4th December 8:14 PM
After more than two weeks was really bad weather here, today I waked up a really nice, sunny shining morning. The task for today was double.
First, spending as much time out off the house as I can, other, is shopping a few things for X-Mas.
I left the house, heading to other city not far from here, where I can find a Swarovski shop, purchasing a necklace. It was originally purchased through e-bay, but we had several problems, out off stock, PayPal - I have already talked about it.
I decided not use e-commerce, going to a shop. But as I did not suspect early break out of X-Mas, unfortunately it was. Everybody was crazy, nervous, no parking place, etc. I am really fed up with X-mas immediately. Families approaching at the edge of state of divorce, kids crying and want to meet Jack Frost. Please no!
The first task, being out off house, because of my tolerance has felt down according Alec, as he has always made couple of shit around himself, and just lays over the Tv, and watch it. The kitchen fulfilled with mass, disgusting. I have been too far and too long time out off my home to involve more tolerance.
I used to be in my very plain room, and now I 'm just reading the Forbes Magazine online, the interview with Mr. WikiLeaks. Poor man.
My future expectation is, as he went too far, soon he will be done. Definitely.
But I have to discover the small signs, the parallel horizons, should keep me far from he Margentina's dailly politics. Too.
- Love the King, make more kids! - as I advise my sentence for the population of Margentina.
I know exactly the rules, do not fuck arround the state of Power to much, it can always shreds you. I have learned it few years ago in mid 2000. There was a company, owned by Mr. Gi. He prefered to stay in Vietnam - almost versus Hungary, so he hired Mr. Switch. Mr. Switch was a well known name in the IT industry, big words, monument plans, much less performance. But, his experience regarding multi corps was good. He advised me that stuff, you have no chance against the the large corporates and against the Power of Kingdom. Not immediately but slowly they will shred you. That's the truths. Since I have received his advise, the life two times confirmed that rules. I have seen mans get into prison without charges, companies went bankrupted, and guys get older 10 years sooner than you can imagine...
So I decided today, after I was reading Mr. Wikileak's interview, I call the Prime Minister of Margentina, as Mr. Wikileak did it. He called his Australian prime minister, questioning him how about his return to Australia. The answer was polity, but not good. It is more than not recommended - Prime Minister said.
I have had same question:
- Is there any opposition I returning home for X-Mas time for a while?
Here is the type writing of the phone conversation:
- Good morning Mr. President, here is the "major".
- God save Margentina, what can I do for you "major"?
- I very appreciated your empire Mr. President, would like to know is there any opposition my return from my mission?
- So, according your blog, our advisor informed me , that you have a lot of bad words including against our Kingdom. We the President are not really happy with this. By the way presently I am too busy, but we like to see much more positive attention about our power... It is not e big deal, be more patience with us. It is just a small Bananas...
- In the other hand "major"...
- Unlikely you have had a serious affair with the Vogon Office a few years ago. I know that is a bullshit, you know that is a bullshit, everybody knows that is a faq'n bullshit. But, the Vogon Office has stamped the number '8' on your file. Clean that "8"- we known what means that eight - needs Vogon head office's written aproval. Not really impossible, likely hood closed to.
Consequent of this mass, apparently if a pure, simple Vogon officer just checked you, would seen the "8" on your file, and couldn't see behind the story. You might have a trouble.
- So I concern, better to spend your X-Mas somewhere else.
Silent. I though - faq'n Margentina. I hate it.
- Thank you for your empire advise Mr. President. Click.
I called also my friend in Victoria, Michel, the Belgian real estate agent, and asked him to reserve me that's nice studio aparment, where I spent my holiday in my last visit on there.
But the trip from here to there will be more than horrible. I consider better to fly from here to Australia.. Presently I don't need more new adventure.
The missions, and the Rambo style existence slowly, but makes me tired, some times weak.
I should be withdraw soon from the battle field.
Peace and love that 's I do need Commandant.