6th November 2010 6:24 PM, Saturday ( English publication )
As I decided and previously advised, once a week I publish on English language. Not for mine, that further for your practice as well, dear my readers. :-)
/ the pictures are from Kerkyra/Corfu - Greece at the end of September /
As the last few days I waked up late, because I watched the films that I have downloaded from the PRB. Thereafter I used to wait as mines wakes up, and I can talk to her/him. That's usually very late night, at about 1:30 AM, so all my faq'n day shifts to the Hell.
As a special I gonna use unique written English or not , I 've learned from our Trinidad's friends ( Vishal, Patrick, etc. ). There's language - called English, but not, as for example Trinidad's official language is it - , but there are two things may occur nobody can understand - including native American's - him/her.
One when they are talking each other without the concentration to use proper English accent, and they unintentionally switch to Careabean, and other when they are drunk, as first I 've been in Irish Pub in Titusville heard from the American's:
- Speak fuck'n English! I don't understand what a faq' are you talkin'..
So I got ready at about 9 o'clock, made my Nescafe, because there is no machine to making cafe, just shitty dummy dirty plastic black. I hate it. OMG how was missing my fantastic Scottish - Chines Blue cafe maker makes cafe from Kenya seed -with Italian calcining...
As every day since a while I got the early bird's contacts on Skype, they were read out my blog, and send some comments through that channel of internet. It's a nice time to discuss with that's guys about the big deals of the life.. how's things going on in Pannon Putyin, and so..
As my friend has a fountain that will never been emptied, has sent me the new letters about the "Mathematics of the Life" on Hungarian please read:
Szerelmi matematika
okos férfi + okos nő = szerelem
okos férfi + buta nő = viszony
buta férfi + okos nő = házasság
buta férfi + buta nő = terhesség
Munkahelyi matematika
okos főnök + okos beosztott = haszon
okos főnök + buta beosztott = termelés
buta főnök + okos beosztott = előléptetés
buta főnök + buta beosztott = túlóra
Vásárlási matematika
A férfi dupla árat is megad azért, amire szüksége van.
A nő bármit megvesz, ami fél áron van.
Általános összefüggések és statisztikák
A nőt addig aggasztja a jövő, amíg férjhez nem megy.
A férfit addig nem aggasztja a jövő, amíg meg nem nősül.
Az a férfi sikeres, aki többet keres, mint amennyit a felesége költ.
Az a nő sikeres, aki talál ilyen férfit.
Ha boldog akarsz lenni egy férfival, nagyon meg kell értened és egy kicsit szeretned.
Ha boldog akarsz lenni egy nővel, nagyon kell szeretned, és ne is próbáld megérteni.
A nős férfiak tovább élnek, de jobban várják a halált.
A nős férfi nyugodtan megfeledkezhet a hibáiról; fölösleges két embernek észben tartania ugyanazt.
A férfi ugyanolyan külsővel ébred, mint ahogy lefeküdt.
A nő külseje éjszaka romlik.
A nő a házasság elején azt reméli, hogy a férfi meg fog változni, de téved.
A férfi a házasság elején azt reméli, hogy a nő nem fog megváltozni, de téved.
Minden vitában a nőé az utolsó szó.
Ha a férfi ezután bármit mond, az egy új vita kezdete.
Good. Thanks Mr. Netscape Navigator.
Regarding the tittle above, it happened yesterday, as my Sun called me, and faqed me up, got my throat silent for a while 'cose of I was shouting into the Skype for a while.
Yes, there is a generation of X to Y, from 1985-1995 this kids were born, really very slow rises up, they have not had any tough in themes life, reason is that they are unable to accept well the opportunities that the life given him or her ever...
Sad. Unforgiven. Tragedy. Cry. The first few words coming in my mind.
Hey Boy, hey Girl, let learn and learn and learn to learn, that's the only things that anybody can't take over from you. It 's yours, for a life.
Connecting this , but notwithstanding the rules of the blog, - no politics and no privacy -, I am afraid that presently the future vision of Hungary is simple:
- Who was rich, will be most rich, who was poor will be much more poor.
- But, who are actually rich, must never forget, the King or the the represent of King may ask you what you have, and you do not have right the reject..
That's the main reason why I sentence for young people, learn and feel free to leave if you like.
So today, after my short conversation with my Boss, I decided to go shopping, going to gym, and do nothing else, except writing my blog.
As all over the world, the shopping centers and the public inside there is same, as well the shops concerning the globalization is too. The unique here is the lot of Sikh monkey with turbans, mustaches and beards -please do not forget the knife holding on his and her (!) body, as same temperature inside. LoL.
The GYM. Good. Cheap, right time you gonna be here, not so much people, worst time, unacceptable amount of Gypsies...
And the steam room... As today's joke in that room when an old man asked me:
- Are you from Quebec? ( OMG my accent seems to be French??? /
- No, I am from overseas.
That's not a joke. We were discussing and touched some topics, and at last the man asked me:
- Are you immigrant?
- Not really. I said and smiled.
Further front of us was siting a half dog skin, seems to be Gypsy monkey...
- And you buddy, are you Canadian?
- Of course. He said. Lol.
Oh yes. That is the reason because till now I can't close out Hungaristan from my life, but I want.
I am still a Hungarian citizen, as I was burn in Hungary. But as I claimed on my first post in this blog, the reason because I have already not given back that my citizenship, because I don't have other yet. But I'm working on it. :-)
Ornagy (c)
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